Returns & Refunds

What is your returns policy?

You can return your unopened and unused items for a full refund within 30-days of purchase. Unfortunately, we are unable to refund any items that have been opened.

Return shipping costs (£2.99) are the responsibility of the customer and will be deducted from your refund. 

What is your returns process?

To ensure that your parcel is returned correctly and safely, please follow the steps below. 

  1. Visit our Returns Portal here. 
  2. Ensure that your items are packaged securely, making sure to attach the prepaid return label to your parcel.
  3. Please wait until you have received your order before initiating a return. You can then drop your item off at your local Royal Mail Post Office.

What will happen once I have returned my parcel?

Once we have received your items, we will inspect and process your refund within 48-72 hours. The refund will appear in your account within 3-5 working days after processing, depending on who you bank with. 

Please note: MySweetSmile is not responsible for any items that are lost or damaged in-transit. If you have any questions or need assistance with your return, please contact our Customer Service Team at

Ready to Return Your Item?

To make sure that your items are eligible, please review our returns policy above. Once you're ready, simply click below to begin our easy returns process.